civic engagement中文什么意思

发音:   用"civic engagement"造句
  • civic:    adj. 1.城市的。 2.市民的, ...
  • engagement:    n. 1.约会,约定;约束,契约;预 ...
  • be civic-minded:    有公德心
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  1. Blogs can be acts of civic engagement
  2. In the process of modern state institution building , the social capital " networks of civic engagement " is better for the core factor of modern state institution than the social capital of " network of maypole - like "
    在现代国家制度构建的过程中, “公民参与网络”型社会资本较之“垂直柱状网络”型社会资本更加契合现代国家制度核心理念的需求。
  3. We need to promote , strengthen and advance the non - governmental social welfare sector , so that it may foster civic engagement for public good . to achieve this end , the sector should focus on four interrelated and interdependent strategies
  4. We need to promote , strengthen and advance the non - governmental social welfare sector , so that it may foster civic engagement for public good . to achieve this end , the sector should focus on four interrelated and interdependent strategies


Civic engagement or civic participation has been defined as "Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern.""Civic engagement", American Psychological Association.


  1. civic duty to work 什么意思
  2. civic education 什么意思
  3. civic education body 什么意思
  4. civic education officer 什么意思
  5. civic education resource centre 什么意思
  6. civic enterprise 什么意思
  7. civic ethics 什么意思
  8. civic forum 什么意思
  9. civic group 什么意思
  10. civic hybrid 什么意思


和吸烟一样致命的五大健康杀手  (双语)

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